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Domain Contact Details

From Dashboard > Domains > YOURDOMAIN.COM > Contacts

Here you can edit and review contact information for a domain name. The information is separated into four sections: Registrant contact information (the owner of a domain names), and technical, administation and billing contact information.

Note, contact information is strictly recorded on a domain by domain basis. There is no sharing of contact information between domain names. However, we do have tools to assist with managing contact information across multiple domains: bulk tools, and contact templates.

Contact types

The visibility of these records on WHOIS servers is affected by your privacy settings.


The Registrant of Record is the official Registrant of the domain name. Note, contact information for this record cannot be changed without due process. Following ICANN rules, before affecting any changes to this record we must notify and seek the consent of the current Registrant using the contact details we have on file (ie. the old contact information).

We must receive confirmation allowing the change within 14 days of any change request, and following that we must locked the domain name, to prevent it from being transfered out of the system for 60 days following any change applied.

When you attempt to make a change to this record the ability to make further changes to the Registrant will be locked and you will be taken through the steps of the confirmation process.

Administration, Technical & Billing Contacts

These contacts are optional, for your own use, and will be published on WHOIS servers as specified in your privacy settings.

Note, top-level Domain Name providers have their own implementation for publishing WHOIS information, and may not not support publishing of all of the contact information you supply.

Bulk tools

Bulk tools enable you to apply contact information edits to a subset of one or more domains under your management. Review our bulk tools help section.

Contact templates

You can think of contact templates as blue prints of contact information that can be applied to domain name records, new domain name purchases, and bulk operations. Contact templates enable you to maintain consistent records across a number of assets in your account, and speed the process of data entry. Review our contact templates help section.
